Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Day
All American Rejects

My Grandpa thinks the name of this band is hilarious. When we told him we went to see this band he started non-stop laughing and said "you actually paid to see that band?"...then he replied "they are rejects...hahaha."! It is still so funny to think about grandpa laughing about the band! Look past the name of the band and you will find some really good music that is wholesome for all ages.
Making Christmas!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
4th of july
Pancakes with's sticky!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Just Married

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008
Golden Baby

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Summer Wedding

Now that school is out it's time to do the hard stuff. This book will be my guide to everything. Not really but It would have helped after seeing all the crap Alison and other girls go through for putting together a wedding. Being Mormon makes life alot easier for planning a wedding. Ceremony and reception hall are a set deal..thank you tithing! All our invitations are out and if I missed anyone...I am sorry and I will get you something in the mail later.
Last but not least this is a book I got Alison for her b-day. It is an awesome book and really makes you aware of everything you eat when you go out. Did you know that all of Chik-Fil-A's sandwich's are under 500 other fast food chain can match that. At Arby's it's more healthy to get a roast beef sandwich than the Caesar wrap. This book is full of cool pictures and facts about what to eat and where. It has EVERY fast food place and restaurant you can think of. It also goes over stuff at the grocery store and goes over what to eat on Holidays. This book is awesome and I give it 2 thumbs up. Look into it. Wal-mart has it the cheapest for only $13.87 ( found this out after i spent $15.98 for it at Target)! Hate to say it but Wal-mart will put everyone out of business soon enough...wish they sold Wal-mart Gas around here!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Another Spring Game

Orange and Blue Spring Game

Just to give you an idea of how crazy we are about football down here we had a record crowd of 61,000 show up to watch the Orange and Blue Spring game which is nothing more than a glorified practice. Alison and I went with all of her friends and watched the show. Before the "game" started we got to see our friend, Gary Bryant, race against a football player. He made a valiant effort but did not win. He did get alot of cool NIKE gator football gear free. I did not have a chance to put sunscreen on so I got burned during the event. My friend Mike lives across the street from the stadium and sells parking. I was able to help him and make a quick $70 in 2 hours. Come fall games i will make about $200 in 2-3 hours. Nice little chunk of change for me! Go Gators!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Spring Break

Being spring break and our 1-year anniversary we decided to go to the beach! Alison and I had a great time! My foot got sunburned and her neck is burned but other than that it was great. I threw her in the water a few times and had a few nice skim-board runs! Having the beach so close is nice. People in places like with no beach access are missing out!

It is our official 1-year anniversary! It has been the best year of my life dating Alison! I am so happy to be the one to marry her and have her in my life forever. She is a great strength to me and supports me in everything. I love you "babe" and can't wait for June 13th!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Friday Night Lights

Friday, March 28, 2008
March Madness

Andrew has returned from his mission. It was great to see him. His first night back we took him to a Gator Basketball game...Fantastic.

Also Alison's family came to visit and it was a fun visit. They got to see the Orlando temple, stay at my hotel, and have Leah play Wii all day. It was nice to see them and my family get along and have a good time. It will be scary to see how crazy we all get when we get together towards the wedding date.
Good times. So this next month we will be scrambling for a new room mate and getting more wedding plans going! All is well!
Sunday, March 16, 2008

It was a dramatic finish for the night of Wii Sports. I only needed to get the spare to win the game but to my luck...only got 2 out of the final 3 pins down. Alison just needed to get a spare for the win. She knocked 8 down on her first try and on her final bowl got one pin but not the other won! Making me the winner 170 to 168!!! I WIN...whats the name of this game? I WIN. She can beat me all she wants but I got her! She usually beats me bad but I finished her off! She loves playing the Wii when she is winning but hates it when the PIRATE WII beats her!
Friday, March 14, 2008


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Alison and I celebrated our 9-month anniversary this weekend! It was a great one! I came over to her house early to find that she had made breakfast for me! I love the little things she does for me! She is so special and awesome and I am lucky to have her in my life! She is definitely a strength in my life and this has been the happiest 9-months of my life and I look forward to spending eternity with her!
Friday, January 4, 2008
New Job

Wednesday, January 2, 2008