Alison and me just love this show. I got hooked on it during last year's march madness and just felt like putting this picture up. It is such a good show that shows how the high school athlete goes through his every day life in a Football crazy town. Football is EVERYTHING in Texas and this show gives us a little glimpse on how it is. GREAT SHOW...watch it! This show has also let's me like Texas a little bit more.

Also congrats to Jeff and Kendra! Exciting news. First all the wellington kids are getting married and now babies. What a past few years it has been. Thanks a lot Kendra and Jeff...now I got to talk Alison out of having kids right away...argh!
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I think you should be a PaPa YESTERDAY!!!!!! That way Ron can be a GRANDPA before me! You'd be a great dad & everyone would be happy to watch you find out what we parents went through. We will be coming up late on the 12th. We will not be able to attend the dinner but will have plenty of time to make the fruit cascade.
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