The Hospitality Field of work needs signs like this up every where. Just when you don't think humanity can reach an all time low for intelligence and rudeness....someone comes along and let's you know that Humanity is still striving to be dumb, rude, and ignorant about things. I won't elaborate on this story but needless to say this weekend has reaffirmed my beliefs in hating Northerners...preferably the ones from new york. I just want to scream and pull out what's left of my hair when they enter my building. My family can agree on this statement since we live in South Florida aka "Southern New York"! Next time you New Yorkers want to come into my hotel please have your $10 payments ready before speaking to me.
You're tagged! You have to write 7 random facts about yourself. Okay...so I know it's cheesy but it happened to me and now I'm spreading the joy! Plus, it's an idea for an entry.
Perfect sign for South Florida, you are right!
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