Friday, May 23, 2008

Golden Baby

The GOLDEN Child at his finest. This is our engagement photo. We look great! Less Than 3 weeks away....I can't believe it has been almost a year since our actual engagement. I am so excited to Spend my life with her despite the tears and emotional roller-coaster. Love is patient! Alison's bridal shower was amazing...thank you for all your help. Next weekend we move into our new apartment so if anyone has a good back and wants to help move us and paint the rooms let me know!


Shauna said...

We are sending Andrew for the may not want him for the painting part. Call Carmen for the painting help!
Challenge...Andrew may want to move in with all the stuff and stay!
Three weeks!!!! Hooray!!!

Gardener said...

Love the picture. You two look great together. I am so excited for you! Congratulations!