2 - touchdowns
This is just a family blog with a hint of sports!
So here is one picture of Alison and me dressed up compared to the two we were suppose to look like! I even wore eye liner like he does in the show! Ah, Party Like a Rock Star!
Bret and his girlfriend Jess... I heard they already broke up so i guess that is the life of a rock star and being a rock star's girlfriend!
This is Bama and me posing! He was Mike Vick and was dragging around a little dog by a noose the whole time! It was so funny! Do i look good with long hair!
Party Like A Rock Star!!!!!!
This is us at the conference center. Alison used here "Getting front row seats at Gator basketball games" tactics to get us these seats at conference! Grandpa...you would be proud! The trip was fun and we had a blast! Thanks again for making this trip possible!
The other thing Alison and I have been up to is Apartment hunting. We won't be married for almost a year but we are starting to eye places to live. We are trying to get an idea of cost,size, location, etc.. for when it comes time to find a place to live. It is exciting but another challenge that I will wait to conquer around spring time.
So the Utah trip is the big thing and apartment hunting is another thing. School has been good! I have learned (FINALLY) that you need to read on your own outside of class to understand the material and not wait for the teacher to assign it to you. Yeah, after 12+ years of schooling I finally understand. Better late than never!
So now here comes the details for everyone since your all dying to know! I have had the ring now for about 2 weeks and wanted to give it to Alison the first day i got it but had to wait! So this week i realized it was time to get it done! I wanted to propose to her at sunrise at the beach but scratched that idea since the beach is about 2 hours away from gainseville! I am sure she would know something is up if i woke her up at 3am and said "hey let's go to the beach!" Well i wanted to do something with the beach still so i was fishing for ideas! i talked to my dad about it and he told me of how pretty the sunset was at Cedar key on the Gulf Coast. So this week i put the plan in motion! Propose to Alison at sunset at the beach off the gulf coast! All week i told her what we were doing and told her that my dad said it was a nice place to go and told her we needed a date night since we haven't been out in awhile! she agreed and said she needed it since she would be moving all morning into her new apartment! She didn't suspect a thing. So all day she was stressed out about the move and i didn't think it was a good time but she told me she was looking forward to it! So we went! it was a 45 mile drive from gainesville so we had time to talk! during the car ride i told her i had it down to 3 rings to choose from! so she was clueless once again about what was going to happen! So after getting there and seeing the sunset hidden behind clouds i was discouraged! Well we went to dinner at a nice place over looking the ocean! After dinner we walked around and then sat on a bench overlooking the Gulf! (side note: a thing we like to do for each other is set the other ones phones with an appointment saying something cute like "kiss Jeff at 7" or "give Alison a kiss at 3") So with this detail in mind i had my phone set to go off at the right time saying "ask Alison to marry you"! Smooth, i know!!! SO while sitting on the bench my phone went off and she asked what it was and i told her it was meant for her! she saw it and smiled still not thinking anything of it and kissed me! After that i told her i had something for her! Then i pulled out the ring and then the tears starting flowing! Then i got down on one knee and said "Alison Michelle Rakes..Will you make me the happiest man alive? Will you marry me?" amongst the tears she said "of course" and gave me a huge hug and kiss! It made my heart melt to see her cry and say of course!I then asked her if that meant yes? She smiled, laughed, cried (all at once) and said yes it does! So on July 27th i asked Alison to marry me and she accepted! As for dates set it probably wont be until the summer time! Thank you all for your Love and support! Alison looks forward to becoming a Hostetler...but i think that's only since she hasn't met Andrew yet!
Alison forgot to turn off on our side exit! So we ended up in Waco,Texas! Home of the Baylor Bears! It was really nice but still nothing like the swamp! So we spent this day soaking in some college football in Texas! I did a whole nice long blog but deleted it since it didn't turn out right! I will do more about my Texas trip on the things that matter most there....High school Football and BBQ!!
Exercising is so rewarding! I finally convinced Alison to come run stadiums with me at Florida Field and it was worth it today! As we arrived to the stadium there was about 200 kids on the field. They were doing drills and just playing around (it looked like alot of fun)! Alison didn't want to run since so many people were watching but we did and to help break the ice i tripped on a step and it helped ease her nerves. Alison and me ran the student section and she made it! On our way out i told her we should go into the locker room so she could see the Gator head and the national championship trophies! She was scared of getting yelled at and kicked out but i convinced her it was in the HOSTETLER blood to get into sport's places we weren't suppose to be at. We got in through the weight room and i showed her around then got into the HALL OF FAME HALLWAY! It was awesome! After we looked around it was time to go home! On our way out i noticed a guy standing next to us that looked familiar! He kind of reminded me of a former UF QB. I didn't think it was him until someone said "hey Shane come here for a sec.." Alison told me not to go bother him but it was my duty being a HOSTETLER and GATOR FAN to meet him! So i went over and made small talk which seemed like forever but was really 20 seconds! He loved it when i said "yeah, you use to sling the ball all over for 500 yards a game"...he smiled and said "yeah that was me!"....not exact words but that's how i am remembering it! So I have met another Gator Great! 3 QB's a WR, a basketball player and i just need to run threw a few coaches and I'm done! So it was a Gator Day! the GOLDEN CHILD once again solidifies his place at #1
here is Shane's status as UF's QB....Spurrier's first "student"
Matthews set 50 school and 19 SEC records while playing three seasons under Steve Spurrier. He compiled a 28-8 career record as a starting quarterback, including a 19-4 mark in SEC games. He guided the Gators to their first official SEC championship in 1991. After an excellent 1991 season, he finished fifth in the Heisman Trophy balloting.