Also congrats to Jeff and Kendra! Exciting news. First all the wellington kids are getting married and now babies. What a past few years it has been. Thanks a lot Kendra and Jeff...now I got to talk Alison out of having kids right away...argh!
This is just a family blog with a hint of sports!
Andrew has returned from his mission. It was great to see him. His first night back we took him to a Gator Basketball game...Fantastic.
Also Alison's family came to visit and it was a fun visit. They got to see the Orlando temple, stay at my hotel, and have Leah play Wii all day. It was nice to see them and my family get along and have a good time. It will be scary to see how crazy we all get when we get together towards the wedding date.
Good times. So this next month we will be scrambling for a new room mate and getting more wedding plans going! All is well!