Sunday, March 30, 2008

Friday Night Lights

Alison and me just love this show. I got hooked on it during last year's march madness and just felt like putting this picture up. It is such a good show that shows how the high school athlete goes through his every day life in a Football crazy town. Football is EVERYTHING in Texas and this show gives us a little glimpse on how it is. GREAT it! This show has also let's me like Texas a little bit more.

Also congrats to Jeff and Kendra! Exciting news. First all the wellington kids are getting married and now babies. What a past few years it has been. Thanks a lot Kendra and I got to talk Alison out of having kids right away...argh!

Friday, March 28, 2008

March Madness

March has come and gone and what a month. It has been a great b-day for me. Alison got me a new Wii game..CALL OF DUTY use the Wii remote to strangle German Soldiers.

Andrew has returned from his mission. It was great to see him. His first night back we took him to a Gator Basketball game...Fantastic.

Also Alison's family came to visit and it was a fun visit. They got to see the Orlando temple, stay at my hotel, and have Leah play Wii all day. It was nice to see them and my family get along and have a good time. It will be scary to see how crazy we all get when we get together towards the wedding date.

Good times. So this next month we will be scrambling for a new room mate and getting more wedding plans going! All is well!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


It was a dramatic finish for the night of Wii Sports. I only needed to get the spare to win the game but to my luck...only got 2 out of the final 3 pins down. Alison just needed to get a spare for the win. She knocked 8 down on her first try and on her final bowl got one pin but not the other won! Making me the winner 170 to 168!!! I WIN...whats the name of this game? I WIN. She can beat me all she wants but I got her! She usually beats me bad but I finished her off! She loves playing the Wii when she is winning but hates it when the PIRATE WII beats her!

Friday, March 14, 2008


After work Alison went home to get some sleep. Usually she falls right to sleep but for some reason could not go to bed. So to make her fall asleep she went and surfed the Internet. After a little while she went on to Craig's list to just browse. Craig's list is a market place to buy/sell anything. She noticed in housing an apartment right next to campus for sale. So she jumped right on it and sent me over to see it. Later that night we made an offer and now are "renters" of an apartment right next to campus! It's a huge 1 bedroom 1 bath and will all be for a little under $500/month! We lucked out and love it! You will all have to come see it once we get moved in and all set up! So we can move in June 1st...Carmen come help us with the handy man stuff and Curt you can come help do the dishes....hahaha! Mom's....send us some stuff!


Wii time
Back by popular demand is my blog. So alot has been going on for me lately with school and work. My birthday is coming up and Alison surprised me with an early b-day/anniversary present. Yep..we got a Wii, Wii, Wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alison dominates me in Wii bowling every night but i finally got her once. That's all i need is just one time! We have lots of fun on it. Alison says i become a Wii pirate when i play cause of how i yell!